In this week’s podcast we discuss Parshat Shemini. There were several directions I could have gone with Parshat Shemini: the mourning rituals (or lack there of!), the 8th day, the beginning of a new era of the Priesthood, and even an in depth discussion of wine (since it is mentioned). But, I decided in the end, to leave the worn path of commentary, and follow my line of questioning, my own heart, and I hope you find some meaning in what I share.
Aliyot Summary:
Moses gathers the Nation to see the Divine revelation, and marks the first day of the priestly service with sacrifices.
We hear the priestly blessing. Here is a guided practice for kids using the birkat kohanim. And a nice (Sephardic, I think?) version I found on Spotify.
Don’t bring strange incense! Don’t drink before serving in the Temple.
Moses gives instructions about eating the sacrifices, despite their mourning.
Moses becomes aware that one of the offerings was burnt instead of consumed. Aaron explains himself, and Moses accepts his answer.
G-d gives the commandments about eating Kosher.
We learn about the possibility of utensils contracting impurity.
Did you hear I started a new substack called “Along the Way 613”? You bet! It is a 5-15 min read, with discussion prompts. Listen, shema, I love to study Torah and primary Jewish Sources, but I don’t always have time to site down to a lengthy discussion with my kiddos, despite knowing the commandment to teach to our children. So I came up with a way to study primary sources, and have a meaningful discussion, when you “lie down,” “get up” or “walk along the way” as the Va’ahavta commands us. Instead of giving you a complete “D’var Torah” or coming to some conclusion with the material, I have decided, instead, to empower you with thoughtful questions that are sure to help you start a conversation while you shlep the kiddos off to school. If you’re Jewish, and a parent, and you want to incorporate more Torah learning in your day, I hope you will check it out!
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